First up – go read someone else’s blog. Seriously. I literally have no freaking idea how to lose those last 3 kilos. If I were to take an educated guess I would say take a long, hard look at every last fun thing you do in your life and stop doing it. Forever. The last 3 kilos are the fun ones, the ones that stop you becoming the most boring person at the party and ensure you don’t disappear completely. It’s hard to trust a person who is at their ideal weight. All. Of. The. Time.
I am not talking about being fat. Obviously – Thin. Rich. Happy. Duurrr. but kindly ask we keep it in perspective. Life is short my friend and there is some actual shit that matters. That said, sifting through said shit is the problem. There is A LOT of information out there – 521,000 make-a-better-you titles at last count. You could legit TED talk yourself to death if you wanted to. But I know you are busy. Plus, you have shows to watch.
So, I thought, wouldn’t it be nice. Nice? No. Wouldn’t it be downright glorious if someone could do the hard work for you. Sift through, weed out, minimise and go bullet point crazy over what we should all be doing to design the damn fine life we all want. When I asked around what other people wished they could be, three little words came up time and time again – Thin. Rich. Happy. So whatever it is you want to be – Thinner, Richer, Happier, Younger, Tidier, More Productive, Less Pathetic, More Successful, Less Crap this blog is here to help.
Life is not about losing those last 3 kilos. It is about finding out what you love to do (and doing more of it). It is about surrounding yourself with awesome people. It’s about looking after yourself because honestly no one else will. It’s about occasionally sucking it up, regularly trying to do better and as much as possible laughing so hard a bit of wee comes out.
Road Less Travelled? Follow me – I know a short cut.
This Get Thinner tip was brought to you by someone who knows that her ideal weight is , like all good goals, out of reach but not out of sight.
Lisa (thin) Pongrass says
I know how to lose the last 3 kilos!!!! Two words…….malaria tablets! Just got back from a birthday safari in Africa and one of the side effects of taking these tablets is that they kill your appetite! Seriously couldn’t eat a thing! My bad luck that the food was five star and frickin’ awesome everyday…
I know it seems extreme but really people should try it and the upside is… won’t get Malaria!!
The headaches and nausea fade away when you feel those kilos melting off you.
csherston says
Ha Ha Lisa (thin) Pongrass – share them round! Slightly missing the overarching message mind you 🙂 xx