It is a truth universally known that most things in life matter less than you think. So let’s not over-complicate it. Follow these 5 Rules for Life and you may never end up being a rock-star but at least you will still be a decent human being.
- Don’t be Boring: Be anything but this. To be described as boring means you are definitely doing something wrong.
- Don’t be an Arsehole: It’s not funny, it’s not clever and it’s not that hard to avoid.
- Stay Connected: The only real thing that matters in life is the relationships you have with other people and the impact you have on their world. Keep your heart open and your chat strong.
- Remember that eventually it will get better: No matter how hard life smacks you in the chops everything eventually does get better. Broken hearts mend, grief subsides and most things you wish you never did get forgotten down the track.
- Carpe Diem: Life is short my friend so grab your dreams by the horns, get sh** done and rest easy knowing that when you finally bid adieu that regrets will be in short supply.
This Get Happier Post is brought to you by someone who also believes most things in life can be solved with pepperoni pizza.