I have just completed my 2nd Spin Class. Ever. The fact that there has been 3 years between the first and the second will tell you all you need to know about how much I love Spin Class (not-even-a-little-bit). That said, there are Spin Classes the world over and Soul Cycle in LA is literally dripping with the sweat of every celebrity known to man, so people clearly like biking stationary in the dark with someone shouting at them. Just not me.
I can just about cope with the aggressive shouting, the horrendous music and the guys who wear brightly-coloured towelling head bands (with no shame or nod to irony). My WTF relates to the stationary bike set up. I can adjust the seat up and down to the recommended hip height. I am able to bring the handle bars closer to me or further away to ensure the elbow to fist distance is maintained. But nobody mentions a darn thing about the angle of the seat. I have dated men that I have not been that intimate with and if 9 months down the track I give birth to a tricycle or 2, I would not be completely surprised. Just Saying.
This Get Thinner observation was brought to you by someone who knows, that unless you fell off the treadmill and smacked your face, no one wants to hear about your workout.
Laura says
Loved loved this. Spin cycling and me are never going to start a relationship
csherston says
I am very suspicious of people in this kind of relationship! xx