If you have ever done a Yoga class, you will appreciate how magical that bit at the end is, when you get to lie flat on your back and do absolutely nothing. For like, five whole minutes. It is AMAZING.
Which is weird, because I have plenty of time in my day to do exactly that. Just to lie on the floor and do nothing. But do I? No, I do not – what do you think I am? Some kind of a nut job? I have people to meet and places to go. I am busy and important. I am stressed out and running late. And surely, something as gloriously simple as lying down for a few minutes isn’t going to make a dang bit of difference?
Well, actually.
It’s the 5 minutes like those, that make the difference between a day that ‘kinda sucked’ and one that was ‘really great!’
Not to be annoying, but I am a pretty upbeat person. Usually got a smile on my face and a step not short of a spring in it. Sure, genetically, I probably got lucky. But, if you are going to believe the maths done by positive psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky, genetics only account for 50% of my (our) overall happiness. According to her research a measly 10% of happiness is determined by the circumstances in which you live (which explains why you still see some kids smiling in the slums and others having tantrums in Sloane Square). The remaining 40% of potential joy is determined by your actions, your attitude and the way you handle situations. That is quite the margin for manoeuvre, my friend.
Which brings me to this secret.
I am not saying we should be striving for happiness 24/7 – seriously, who has the time? Plus, money is hard, and emails are annoying, traffic sucks and he never even had the decency to text you back. But – I do think you can weave moments of bliss into each and every day, without very much effort at all. It doesn’t have to be fancy and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. I call it finding happiness in the cracks.
I am committed to the cracks and look for them wherever I can.
The crisp possibility of a new notebook, the warm hug of a hot bath, a packet of salt and vinegar chips all to myself. Fresh sheets, daytime movies and the secret glee of cancelled plans. Toasted soldiers lowered slowly in to a perfectly boiled egg. A great cup of coffee and a good glass of red. Catching your friend’s eye and knowing exactly what she is thinking. Passing on a compliment and seeing them smile. Your son’s pride at a scored try. Flirty banter, shoes on sale and eating Ben and Jerry’s ice cream straight from the tub.
That’s where the happiness lies my friend. In those small moments that let you escape the bland tedium of the everyday. You will find it there, hiding in the cracks. In the Savasana. Seriously. Just lying on the floor, when you least expect it.
This GET HAPPIER post is brought to you by someone who is clearly feeling a little cheesy. But, then again, another slice of Edam never hurt anybody.
Love this!!