It is an incredible leap of faith to go out and actively seek to find a person who gets to find out how weird you really are.
My advice? Keep 7% of that weird to yourself.
You will, by accident mostly, reveal about 90% of your weird if you are in a relationship for long enough. In moments of deep trust (or if you are not paying sufficient attention) you may choose to reveal 1/2/3% more. I urge you to stop right there. If you are in the incredibly fortunate position of having been able to find a person who has seen 93% of your weird and who has not yet run screaming for the hills (heeeelllpp meee!) then you are one lucky individual.
Trust me. There is only so much weird one person can be reasonably expected to tolerate. Keep 7% of that weird to yourself and your chances for Happy-Ever-After will be statistically much stronger.
This Get Happier Post was brought to you by someone who has been married for so long she can’t remember where love ends and weird begins.
Love this and so very true! You are so wise;)